At Nandy Acupuncture, located in Boulder, CO, we provide a multitude of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services:
Acupuncture improves the function of all the organs of the body, promotes blood circulation, reduces inflammation, regulates hormones, relaxes the body and calms the mind, and promotes a long and healthy life. [Learn More …]
Chinese Herbs
With 5,000 years of continuous use, Chinese herbal medicine is the heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Considered potent gifts of nature, Chinese herbs have the capacity to profoundly heal the body and maintain optimal health and longevity–they are both therapeutic and preventive. [Learn More …]
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture or “the acupuncture facelift,” is a holistic alternative to plastic surgery, botox injections, collagen/filler injections and laser/chemical peels. There are no side-effects and unlike the above procedures, the actual causes of aging skin are addressed and treated, not simply masked. Additionally, facial rejuvenation acupuncture is significantly less expensive than western surgical and chemical treatments. [Learn More …]
Menopause Acupuncture
Menopause typically begins between the ages of 48 to 52, but uncomfortable symptoms of peri-menopause or pre-menopause can begin as early as 40 and last until 55 years of age. This means that if a woman lives into her 80’s, she may spend a third of her life in menopause! [Learn More …]
Pain Treatment Acupuncture
Over 3 million people visit acupuncturists each year, and most of them are seeking relief from pain. Acupuncture provides exceptional relief and treatment for all types of acute and chronic pain by releasing endorphins (the body’s own pain-killers) from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulating immune response. Acupuncture and herbs also strongly reduce inflammation and increase circulation. Results from acupuncture and herbs include the reduction or elimination of the pain, increased range of motion, and decreased swelling and inflammation. Additionally, Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes that one’s quality of life is often dramatically deteriorated under the influence of pain, and we holistically calm and rebalance the systems of the body, mind and spirit during the treatments. [Learn More …]